Gizmos and Gadgets

Gizmos and Gadgets

Gizmos and Gadgets: The New Dyson Airblade Tap Hand Dryer


Written for the Realogics Sotheby’s Int. Realty blog


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We have all been there. Maybe for you it’s an airport or park public bathroom. You wash your hands at the sink while trying to keep track of your purse, your bags, and even your kids. Everything has to be put down to use the sink, and then you’re faced with a dilemma. Hands dripping, do you leave everything at the sink and trust that no one will run off with it? Or do you attempt to gather everything up as you head to the hand dryer, rivulets of water running down your purse and into your shopping bags, soiling the perfect white tissue paper inside?

It’s a common scene that repeats itself wherever public bathrooms are found. But the geniuses at Dyson have created a new hand dryer that eliminates the need for the theft vs. wet bag scenario. Enter the Dyson Airblade Tap hand dryer.

The design is really quite brilliant; it’s a tap mixed with a hand dryer. Everything is hands-free and relies on an advanced infrared sensing system. When your hands are waved under the main tap, water comes out. Wave your hands in a different area, under the twin wings of the apparatus, and out comes 28 liters of HEPA-filtered, sanitary air per second. With a fan that spins 92,000 times per minute, it takes your hands from sopping wet to warm and dry in 14 seconds flat.

Besides the convenience factor, there are other bonuses to this tap hand dryer of the future. Homes and businesses that use it may reduce their landfill waste by 70%, like LAX airport did. Find the case study here. Businesses may also reduce the number of slip-and-falls that occur in their restrooms, as customers no longer have to drip water across the floor on their way to dry their hands.

Leave it to the Dyson people to create another must-have product. At $1,500 per system, it’s not cheap, but it is smart.

Watch the video

Read the case study

Visit the product web page

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