Top Five Tips for Gentle Exfoliation

Top Five Tips for Gentle Exfoliation


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Nobody wants dull, matte skin. And yet, many people don’t know that they can protect against just that. It’s not difficult. All it takes is learning how to gently exfoliate the skin. By doing so, you’ll clear away dry, flaky skin to reveal the healthy, glowing skin that hides beneath. Your best skin is only a loofah or exfoliating cream away. Read on for our top five tips for gentle exfoliation.

1. Make your face glow
One of the best things you can do for the skin on your face, regardless of your skin type, is to exfoliate away dead skin cells. If you have dry skin, exfoliation can clear away dry flakes that can impede makeup application. If you have oily skin, exfoliation can help break up chunks of dead cells that contribute to breakouts. The best way to exfoliate the face is with a gentle cream. Apply the cream first to your fingertips, then use your fingertips to massage the exfoliating cream in circles all around your face. If you have sensitive or irritation-prone skin, the key is to rub softer and longer to minimize irritation.

2. Exfoliate your body in the shower
It’s not just the skin on your face that can benefit from exfoliation. You shed skin cells all over your body, skin cells that can clog pores and create body acne. One of the best ways to prevent body acne is to use a body scrub, loofah, or chemical exfoliant when you shower. Although the skin on your body is thicker than the skin on your face and can withstand more vigorous scrubbing, make sure to be gentle. It’s better to scrub softer and longer than to damage your skin.

3. Don’t forget the hard-to-reach spots
If you can see it, chances are you can exfoliate it when it comes to skin. That applies even to hard-to-reach places like your scalp and the bottoms of your feet. To exfoliate the scalp, add some epsom salts to your shampoo and massage them into your scalp. This can help get rid of flakes that are the trademark of conditions like dandruff. For the bottoms of your feet, it can be helpful to use a callus shaver or sea sponge. If your lips are flaky, exfoliate them, too. This can easily be done after brushing your teeth by rubbing your toothbrush along your lips and massaging in gentle, circular motions.

4. Get creative with exfoliating products
There are so many fun and gentle exfoliating products out there. Get creative and try them all to find what works best for you. Some people prefer creams or body scrubs. Others like chemical exfoliants, exfoliating gloves, and DIY concoctions such as olive oil mixed with sugar. The sky is the limit. Just remember, whatever you use, be gentle on your skin.

5. Make it a routine
Exfoliation works best when done on a regular basis. This ensures that dead skin cells don’t pile up and cause problems like breakouts, and it also prevents the buildup of the dull skin that can result. Make exfoliation a habit to get the most benefits from it. Many experts recommend at least once a week for your face and body, although some creams are gentle enough to use daily.

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